joi, 11 martie 2010

In lipsa de fiare... din fier...

Sa mai bagam femei.. ca poate nu se supara audienta...

Cladirea din spate trebuia sa fie distrusa prin explozie controlata... si ne-am pregatit noi.. sa facem ceva poze romantice cu BAM BUM in spate... dar.. cum in romania nici distrugerea nu merge bine... a trebiut sa pozam.. cu ea.. intreaga.


photos: Alin Popescu
Make-up: Diana Ionescu
Model: Corina Ifrim Allure
the rest of the story on Alin's blog.

My shots:

Here are some shots Cristi took - i went on and messed with them since he finds reasons every time not to work on his raws.

And some from the one and only Diana "DeeDee" Ionescu
Sorry Dee... i messed with yours too :P

So that's about it. Another failed concept, another morning of fun. Hope you enjoyed (it was cold up there :) )

EDIT - more Cristi

and Lili

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