Pentru ca astazi... dupa aproape 12 luni de stat la garaj, am vazut masina mergand, scotand zgomot, scotand fum, vin sa aduc prinos de recunostinta Atelierelor Harniciei si Creatiei. Vreau sa aduc omagiul meu... asa:
si ca tot m-am luat de masinile care fac veacul pe acolo... imi permiteti sa continui. mi s-a spus ca o sa manance ulei...
cleaning our monsters out... out in the wild So we took a shot...
that went across the world and time stopped being our border
Our eyes got open
and we had some fun. and losing color again... we thought we reached home... yet ... home... usually bends and takes the shape of the owner... like our mugs bend as we grow one more year older.